
Chart Figures

Figure 1. Number of 48-Hour Reports Per Presidential Term

Figure 1 is a bar chart that shows the total number of 48-hour reports filed within a presidential administration through December 31, 2019, broken down by term where applicable.

PresidentTermNumber of 48-hour reports
NixonOnly Term0
FordOnly Term4
CarterOnly Term1
ReaganFirst Term6
ReaganSecond Term8
H.W. BushOnly Term7
ClintonFirst Term20
ClintonSecond Term18
W. BushFirst Term8
W. BushSecond Term1
ObamaFirst Term6
ObamaFirst Term22
TrumpCurrent Term4

Figure 2. Stated Purpose or Mission

Figure 2 illustrates the breakdown of the 105 reports in the dataset as of December 31, 2019, broken down by their stated purpose or mission.

Purpose/MissionTotal number of reports
Respond to threat20
Protect US Citizens/Property17
Rescue/Hostage Recovery4

Figure 3. Response to Threats Before and After 1998: State Actor vs. Non-State Actor

Figure 3 is a bar chart that shows the 20 reports in the dataset coded as having the purpose or mission of “response to a threat.” They have been broken down further to show whether the threat emanated from a state or non-state actor, and divided into the periods before and after 1998, which marked a turning point in the type of enemy targeted by the U.S. in the reported operations.

YearsReports involving State ActorReports involving Non-State Actor
1986 - 1997120
1998 - 201927

Figure 4. Domestic Legal Authority Cited

Figure 4 is a bar chart that shows the domestic legal authority cited in the 105 reports in the dataset as of December 31, 2019: Article II authority alone, a combination of Article II authority and statutory authorization, or no legal authority cited.

AuthorityTotal number of reports
Article II of Constitution97
Article II of Constitution and Statute6
None provided2