Report 19750515A
May 15, 1975
Gerald FordLocation
CambodiaWas 4(a)(1) Triggered? (Hostilities/Imminent Hostilities)
Yes, stated or used terms in statute
Was 4(a)(2) Triggered? (Combat- Equipped Introduction)
No, as described in/inferred from report
Was 4(a)(3) Triggered? (Substantial Enlargement)
No, as described in/inferred from report
Joint/Coalition Mission
Constitutional Caveat
Classified Annex Reported
Rescue/Hostage recoveryDetails: “Our continued objective in this operation was the rescue of the captured American crew along with the retaking of the ship Mayaguez.”
Domestic Legal Authority
Constitution (Art. II)Details: “The operation was ordered and conducted pursuant to the President’s Constitutional executive power and authority as Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Armed Forces.”
Claimed International Legal Basis
Self-DefenseDetails: “This hostile act (Cambodian naval patrol boat shooting at U.S. merchant ship) was in clear violation of international law.”
Estimated Scope/Duration
Scope/duration specified
Details: Activity occurred May 12-14, 1975
Type of Enemy or Mission
Nation-stateDetails: “Cambodian naval patrol boats of the Armed Forces of Cambodia”
Military Activity
Air operations Use of naval forces/vesselsDetails: “I ordered late this afternoon an assault by United States Marines on the island of Koh Tang to search out and rescue such Americans as might still be held there, and I ordered retaking of the Mayaguez by other marines boarding from the destroyer escort Holt.”
US Casualties Reported
Non-US Casualties Reported
Reporting as it Relates to Termination Clock
Fewer than 60 days sustained activity