
Report 19880419A


April 19, 1988


Ronald Reagan (Second Term)


Persian Gulf

Was 4(a)(1) Triggered? (Hostilities/Imminent Hostilities)

Yes, described in/inferred from report

Was 4(a)(2) Triggered? (Combat- Equipped Introduction)

No, as described in/inferred from report

Was 4(a)(3) Triggered? (Substantial Enlargement)

No, as described in/inferred from report

Joint/Coalition Mission


Article 51 Report to UN


Details: S/19791

Constitutional Caveat


Classified Annex Reported



Respond to threat

Details: After USS ROBERTS struck mine “in international waters of the Persian Gulf,” series of attacks and counter-attacks involving U.S. vessels and aircraft, a U.S.-flagged vessel, oil platforms “used to support unlawful Iranian attacks on non-belligerent shipping,” Iranian vessels, and Iranian aircraft.

Domestic Legal Authority

Constitution (Art. II)

Details: “These necessary and proportionate actions by U.S. Armed Forces were taken at my specific direction… pursuant to my constitutional authority with respect to the conduct of foreign relations and as Commander in Chief.”

Claimed International Legal Basis


Details: “These necessary and proportionate actions by U.S. Armed Forces were taken… in in the exercise of our inherent right of self-defense, recognized in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter…”

Estimated Scope/Duration

Scope/duration specified

Details: Activity occurred April 18, 1988; “We have completed these self-defense actions and consider the matter closed.”

Type of Enemy or Mission


Details: Iran

Military Activity

Air operations Use of naval forces/vessels

Details: In response to USS ROBERTS striking a mine, U.S. forces “attacked and effectively neutralized the Sassan and Sirri Platforms”; in response to an Iranian attack on an oil rig and U.S.-flag vessel, “U.S. A-6 aircraft attacked three Iranian Boghammar small boats, sinking at least one”; In response to a further attack, “U.S. Forces severely damaged or sank the Iranian vessels. Iranian F - 4 fighters also approached the USS SIMPSON and the USS WAINWRIGHT in a threatening manner; the SIMPSON and WAINWRIGHT fired at the aircraft, causing their retreat.”

US Casualties Reported


Details: 10 servicemembers injured; one helicopter with two crew members listed as missing

Non-US Casualties Reported


Details: “U.S. A - 6 aircraft attacked three Iranian Boghammar small boats, sinking at least one”; “Subsequently… U.S. Forces severely damaged or sank [three] Iranian vessels.”

Reporting as it Relates to Termination Clock

Fewer than 60 days sustained activity