Report 19901116A
November 16, 1990
George H.W. BushLocation
Persian GulfWas 4(a)(1) Triggered? (Hostilities/Imminent Hostilities)
No, as stated in report
Was 4(a)(2) Triggered? (Combat- Equipped Introduction)
No, as described in/inferred from report
Was 4(a)(3) Triggered? (Substantial Enlargement)
Yes, described in/inferred from report
Joint/Coalition Mission
Details: “Allied and other friendly governments”
Article 51 Report to UN
Constitutional Caveat
Classified Annex Reported
Respond to threatDetails: “[E]nsure that the coalition has an adequate offensive military option should that be necessary” in response to “Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.”
Domestic Legal Authority
None providedDetails: None stated
Claimed International Legal Basis
Self-DefenseDetails: “Our Forces are in the Gulf region in the exercise of our inherent right of individual and collective self-defense against Iraq’s aggression and consistent with U.N. Security Council resolutions related to Iraq’s onging occupation of Kuwait.”
Estimated Scope/Duration
Mission-bound but indeterminate
Details: “[O]ur Armed Forces would remain in the Persian Gulf region so long as required to contribute to the security of the region and desired by host governments.”
Type of Enemy or Mission
Nation-stateDetails: Iraq
Military Activity
Air operations Use of naval forces/vessels Use of ground forcesDetails: Deployment of “a heavy U.S. Army Corps and a Marine expeditionary force with an additional brigade. In addition, three aircraft carriers, a battleship, appropriate escort ships, a naval amphibious landing group, and a squadron of maritime prepositioning ships will join other naval units in the area.”
US Casualties Reported
Non-US Casualties Reported
Reporting as it Relates to Termination Clock
N/A because not a hostilities-triggered report