Report 19931020A
October 20, 1993
Bill Clinton (First Term)Location
HaitiWas 4(a)(1) Triggered? (Hostilities/Imminent Hostilities)
No, as described in/inferred from report
Was 4(a)(2) Triggered? (Combat- Equipped Introduction)
Yes, described in/inferred from report
Was 4(a)(3) Triggered? (Substantial Enlargement)
Insufficient information to infer from report
Joint/Coalition Mission
Details: “These U.S. forces and others as may be necessary, combined with those forces that other Member States have committed to this operation, will conduct intercept operations to ensure that merchant ships proceeding to Haiti are in compliance with United Nations Security Council sanctions.”
Article 51 Report to UN
Not applicable because no self-defense claim
Constitutional Caveat
Classified Annex Reported
Advise/AssistDetails: “implementation of the petroleum and arms embargo of Haiti”
Domestic Legal Authority
Constitution (Art. II)Details: “I have ordered the deployment of U.S. Armed Forces for these purposes pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations and as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive.”
Claimed International Legal Basis
UN Security Council authorizationDetails: UNSCRs 841, 873, and 875
Estimated Scope/Duration
None provided
Type of Enemy or Mission
Nation-stateDetails: Haiti
Military Activity
Use of naval forces/vesselsDetails: Maritime interception operations
US Casualties Reported
Non-US Casualties Reported
Reporting as it Relates to Termination Clock
N/A because not a hostilities-triggered report