Report 19940412B
April 12, 1994
Bill Clinton (First Term)Location
BurundiWas 4(a)(1) Triggered? (Hostilities/Imminent Hostilities)
No, as described in/inferred from report
Was 4(a)(2) Triggered? (Combat- Equipped Introduction)
Yes, stated or used terms in statute
Was 4(a)(3) Triggered? (Substantial Enlargement)
No, as described in/inferred from report
Joint/Coalition Mission
Article 51 Report to UN
Not applicable because no self-defense claim
Constitutional Caveat
Classified Annex Reported
EvacuationDetails: “Combat-equipped U.S. military forces began deploying to Burundi to be in a position to conduct possible noncombatant evacuation operations of U.S. citizens and designated third-country nationals.”
Domestic Legal Authority
Constitution (Art. II)Details: “I took these actions pursuant to my constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations and as Commander in Chief.”
Claimed International Legal Basis
UnknownEstimated Scope/Duration
Scope/duration specified
Details: Completed after evacuation
Type of Enemy or Mission
Rescue/Evacuation of nationalsDetails: Evacuation of U.S. citizens and “designated third-country nationals”
Military Activity
Air operations Use of ground forcesDetails: “During April 9–10, 275 Marines were air-lifted via C–130 aircraft to Bujumbura, Burundi. (A total of 328 U.S. Armed Forces personnel deployed to Burundi, including aircrews.)”
US Casualties Reported
Details: “no casualties were suffered by U.S. forces in this operation.”
Non-US Casualties Reported
Reporting as it Relates to Termination Clock
N/A because not a hostilities-triggered report