Report P19931013
October 13, 1993
Bill Clinton (First Term)
Bosnia Herzegovina
Situation into which U.S. Forces are Introduced
Details: “deployment of U.S. combat-equipped aircraft to support NATO’s enforcement of the no-fly zone in Bosnia Herzegovina”
“The United States continues to make extensive and valuable contributions to the United nations efforts in the former Yugoslavia. More than 50 U.S. aircraft are now available to NATO for the continued conduct of no-fly zone enforcement operations and possible provision of close air support to UNPROFOR in the future. In addition, U.S. airlift missions to Sarajevo have numbered mroe than 1,900, and we have completed nearly 1,000 airdrop missions to safe areas, including Mostart. U.S. medical and other support personnel are providing vital services in support of UNPROFOR, while our U.S. Army light infrantry battalion deployed to Macedonia has become an integral part of the UNPROFOR monitoring operations there.”
Classified Annex